
Pink is the color we most associate with roses. Shades range from softest blush pink, to pure rose pink, right through to bright magenta pink. Some pink varieties are tinged with other colors such as apri... Read more

Pink is the color we most associate with roses. Shades range from softest blush pink, to pure rose pink, right through to bright magenta pink. Some pink varieties are tinged with other colors such as apricot, peach or lilac. Indeed, there is no other color in roses that offers the possibility of so much variation as do the various shades of pink. Read less

Showing 37 results
Eustacia Vye
Silas Marner
Gabriel Oak
New This Year
Olivia Rose Austin®
Princess Anne
Harlow Carr®
Princess Alexandra of Kent
Gertrude Jekyll®
James L. Austin
Scepter'd Isle™
The Albrighton Rambler®
The Lady of the Lake®
The Ancient Mariner
Mary Delany®
The Mayflower®
Gertrude Jekyll®
Olivia Rose Austin®
Scarborough Fair
Young Lycidas
Gentle Hermione
The Wedgwood Rose